I am a sociologist whose research aims to understand the stubborn persistence of gender inequalities in the workplace. I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology at California State University, San Bernardino. I am also an affiliate of Stanford University's VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab.
Prior to joining CSUSB, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with their ADVANCE Program. The NSF-funded project focuses on cultivating gender and racial equity among STEM faculty through the power of collaboration. I earned my Ph.D. in Sociology from Northeastern University with a Graduate Certificate in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I teach sociology courses on research methods, education, science & technology, and gender.
READ my latest coauthored column in Inside Higher Ed, "Keeping the Pandemic from Sidelining Equity."
LISTEN to this podcast episode of Technically Human to learn about my research on how gendered networks structure the tech workforce.
FOLLOW along on twitter @ethelmickey.
EMAIL ethel.mickey@csusb.edu

My research explores how professional networking shapes and reproduces intersectional inequalities in the tech industry. My work appears in Gender & Society, Work and Occupations, Sex Roles, and Gender, Work and Organization, and has been recognized by the American Sociological Association and Sociologists for Women in Society.
I teach courses that encourage students to approach complex questions of inequality from an intersectional lens. Given my own methodological preference for qualitative research, my courses focus on learning through doing, with students acquiring empirical research skills through interview projects and mini-ethnographies.

Public sociology and community collaboration are central to my work. I collaborate with organizations seeking to support workers from underrepresented and marginalized groups in STEM. I was an inaugural Virtual Visiting Scholar with the Association for Women in Science (funded through the National Science Foundation), developing publicly available resources on the status of women faculty in STEM.
I am also an active member of the American Sociological Association and Sociologists for Women in Society.